bis 31.10.2016
Re-designb of the dairy industry for sustainable milk processing.
bis 31.10.2016
Re-designb of the dairy industry for sustainable milk processing.
Milchtechnologie, Milchverarbeitung, Prozesswasserrecycling, Rohstoffupgrading, Reststoffverwertung, Energieeffizienz
Milchtechnologie, Milchverarbeitung, Prozesswasserrecycling, Rohstoffupgrading, Reststoffverwertung, Energieeffizienz
The concept of “green dairy” is a prototype of a sustainable industry through technical innovation.
The main goal of the project is to analyse and optimize the whole process chain of milk and dairy products with a view to the water and energy consumption.
Dr.-Ing. Christoph Glasner
Dr.-Ing. Christoph Glasner